Saturday, August 19, 2017

The Great Eclipse of America

Next week at this time, the Great American Eclipse of 2017 will be history. There will be millions of photos, videos, selfies, and commentary.

Will this eclipse set off earthquakes, social unrest, war?

History has had many prophets, across all cultures, who have foretold events that were tied to eclipses, not to mention the natural ones, such as earthquakes, volcanic activity, and storms.

I've seen a total eclipse from the Netherlands back in 1999. Unfortunately, I didn't take off from work to see it. Totality was further south in Belgium, France and Luxembourg.

Standing in the parking lot with my co-workers it was a short but exciting event, in a geeky sort of way. Like they say, 'You had to be there'.

It also seemed to herald a death spiral to my working life.

The job I had was with an American company,doing contract work for another American company at their manufacturing plant. Everything connected with the job was a trial due to my former employer having never worked in Europe. Let's just say that conditions deteriorated rather than improved over time.

Was it due to the eclipse? Probably not, but down through history eclipses have been noted as portents of major changes. My life has changed dramatically since 1999.

I've spent the past 17 years trying to understand how and why America has been become the country we now have, one that appears to be lost, without principles.

A country where liars, cheats, thieves, and scoundrels flourish, and are admired for it.

All things rotten soon collapse.

I am think we are about to see that happen to America.

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